Kirti Vashee


Kirti Vashee (Translated)

The Global Enterprise & Translator Perspective on MT

This presentation will focus on the driving forces for MT use in international commerce and global enterprise and provide a high-level perspective of the most common MT use cases to support these needs.

The pandemic has had a significant impact on driving the global enterprise to establish a larger digital presence and footprint and has increased the need for every international business to be multilingual at scale. As the marketing focus shifts to delivering superior customer experience (CX), delivering superior CX requires that the modern enterprise must listen, understand, communicate, and share more actively to enhance and support the buyer and customer journey.

The presentation will briefly overview changing enterprise content perspectives and the impact of this on the choice of tools and the unique and specialized translation production process needs of global enterprises with large-scale use of MT ranging from specialized human services to “raw MT”, and the need for varied human-machine collaboration models that change with content, volume, and quality expectations.

Finally, this presentation will also provide an overview of the specialized needs of the individual translator in professional work settings and provide a perspective on MT technology enhancements that are most useful for professional users.


Kirti Vashee is a Language Technology Advocate at Translated Srl who was previously a consultant on the Enterprise use of MT and Translation Technology. He was formerly associated with several MT developers including Language Weaver, RWS/SDL, Systran, and Asia Online. He has also worked for several software companies including, Lotus, OTG, Legato, & EMC. He is the moderator of the Automated Language Translation (MT) group with over 11,000 members in LinkedIn, and also a former board member of AMTA (American Machine Translation Association).

Kirti is active on Twitter (@kvashee) and is the Editor and Chief Contributor to a respected blog that focuses on MT, AI, Translation Automation, and Language Industry related issues:


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