Frequently Asked Questions


Q: I have an oral and/or poster presentation. Do I need to register for the conference?


A: Yes, at least one author must be registered for each paper to ensure its inclusion in the conference proceedings and its presentation at the conference. To facilitate smooth conference programming, we kindly request that you register before July 20, 2023, which is the deadline for early bird registration.


Q: I have a poster presentation. Can I deliver a poster presentation virtually?


A: Unfortunately, No. In order to deliver a poster presentation, it is required that you are physically present at the conference (in person). If you plan to attend the conference online (registration is still required), you are eligible to send your poster (and presentation video) from the upload link in advance, and we will display your poster at the conference on your behalf. We also include your paper in the proceedings.


Q: What is the size for a poster?


A: The poster should be A0 size portrait (width 841 mm x height 1189 mm).


Q: What is the length for a pre-recorded video?


A: The length of a pre-recorded video is 20 minutes or less.



Congress has ended


Congress has ended