Prof. Min Zhang

Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen)


* Affiliation

Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen)


* Title of the invited talk

Toward better neural and big model-based machine translation


* Abstract of the invited talk

Machine translation in the era of big model has shown amazing progress and flourishing future. However, there still remaining many issues in its current paradigm. This talk will discuss several major issues of MT and present our recent work on them, including common sense reasoning, unsupervised low-resource MT, domain adaptation and neural evaluation metrics.


* In-person or virtual talk



* Biography

Dr. Min Zhang is a professor at Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) and Soochow University. His current research interests include big model, machine translation, natural language processing and artificial intelligence. He has co-authored 300+ research papers and has been honored with the Best Paper Awards at ACMMM-2022, COLING-2022, NLPCC-2020 and CCKS-2022. He is the winner of China NSF for Distinguished Young Scholars. He is the editorial board member of IEEE/ACM T-ASLP, NLE, CL, JCST, MIR, Electronics, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, Journal of Software, ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA.


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